Business Book Club: Happiness By Design
I've set myself a goal to blog about the books I read. I will extract wisdom from the best business and personal development books I've read and share it with you.This time around, I’m reading “Happiness by Design” by Paul Dolan.
In "Happiness by Design," author Paul Dolan, Professor of Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics, offers a refreshing take on achieving happiness……
The Importance of Making a Tit of Yourself
Discover the power of making a tit of yourself. Discover my breakthrough realisation and why putting ourselves in a position of certain failure can help us succeed faster.
Business Book Club: Be a Free Range Human
Dive into our review of "Be a Free Range Human" by Marianne Cantwell. Discover key insights, resources, and engage in discussions about escaping the 9-5 and crafting a passion-filled life.
“Why didn't I do this sooner?"
Why didn’t I do this sooner?
This question was the theme of my summer in 2019. I put off tasks because they seemed too difficult, too laborious or because I just didn't know how to begin solving the problem. I wanted the benefits of the solutions, but I had been waiting to have enough time, energy or motivation to tackle them. Of course, neither of these ever came.
My 6-week theory
A few years ago I came up with my 6-week theory.
It goes like this:
Whenever you start a new activity, stick at it for at least 6 weeks.
That's it-no quitting before week 6.
Three Words to Improve Any Relationship
Improve any relationship with just three words. No, not “I love you” but “Just Like Me”. In this blog I explain how these three words can make a huge difference.
10 Tips for Resolving Resolutions
10 tips, slightly different viewpoints on how to set resolutions or goals for the New Year.
It's the time of year when people tend to set some new year's resolutions, so I thought I'd share some top tips about how to set better new New Year's resolutions and set goals that you're more likely to stick to throughout 2019.
Proving your critics wrong or proving your fans right?
Fitspo' quotes. Do you love them or hate them?
I love seeing quotes and memes on social media. Mostly on weight loss or fitness pages. I'm intrigued to see if I can tell what a person's motivations are. I think a lot of people post these quotes and memes to show how positive they are but they probably aren't aware that they are revealing more negativity than they realise.
"Arghhh I can't believe I did that" OR knee-jerk reactions
A man came to see me recently because he's not happy with his body.
He's so desperate he wants to do whatever will get the weight off quickly. When someone is in this state I know they aren't very open to taking a long term view. They make a choice which relieves the 'eurghhh' feeling but this is rarely a choice that feels good or is right for them in the medium or long term. My prediction is that unless he sees weight come off and can get into a state where he is thinking more clearly, he will give up before he even gets going. Most people do this.
The science of knowing when to cut your losses
I want to share something with you I came across a couple of years ago but I wish I’d discovered sooner. It’s an idea that comes from economics but one that also applies to the investment of emotional and mental resources too.
Being in two minds
Ever described yourself as being in two minds about something? Have you ever stopped to wonder if there's some meaning to that?
In this blog I explore the difference between two types of thought, or processing, our minds use and the importance of appreciating the role each is designed to play. If you often experience a conflict between what you feel you should do and what you actually want to do, it might be helpful to ask "Am I using the best part of my brain to solve the problem?"
Life by Design: Create Your Job
Can you have a rewarding job and a good work-life balance?
Katy Carlisle seems to have found a way. In 2014 she left security of her full-time job to set up her own business. She has crafted a life whereby she carefully balances finding new and exciting work whilst always finding time for herself and her loved ones. How does she do it?